In this strange season of unprecedented circumstances, we’ve all found ourselves needing to get creative with different aspects of church ministry. As programming needs and methods shift, one thing remains the same—people need to hear the good news of the gospel, perhaps now more than ever. VBS is the single largest evangelistic outreach of the year for most churches. So we’ve got to get creative in how we effectively—and safely—utilize this important strategy to reach our communities this year. No one knows what public gatherings will look like a few months from now, but we know there are at least four forms that VBS might take this summer. Pick the one that works best for you and we’ll provide you with the tools and resources to accomplish it!
- Traditional VBS — This is the ‘VBS as usual’ approach. Go all in and all out! For some places it may well be that, by the time VBS rolls around, VBS can happen as it always has. You may have to pick an alternate date, but VBS can still happen as planned. You might even experience record-breaking attendance!
- Neighborhood VBS — Conduct driveway, front porch, backyard, or cul-de-sac neighborhood gatherings. This approach utilizes church-member “hosts” in multiple neighborhoods throughout your community to conduct a small-scale VBS at their homes. This could be a great solution if we are able to meet in smaller groups of 10-20.
- Alternate VBS — Embrace a creative approach using alternative timetables such as conducting VBS over five consecutive weeks (e.g. Wednesday nights, Sunday nights, Saturdays), as a back-to-school kick-off, or over Labor Day weekend or Fall Break. This approach allows you to still do VBS, but in a low-maintenance, low-prep manner.
- VBS at HOME — Deliver VBS directly to the home. Post or livestream media-driven Worship Rallies to engage kids as viewers, and utilize home delivery methods to equip parents to facilitate Bible study, rec, and crafts at home.
As we seek creative solutions, we are sure of this: VBS is worth it because the gospel is worth it! No matter the circumstances, we at Lifeway VBS pledge to continue to help churches reach kids with the gospel in Summer 2020.
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