Today, I want to talk to you about ready, willing, and able leaders. In your church’s leadership pipeline, you must invest in all your people to create ongoing development and fuel advancement within your pipeline. You’ve likely heard me discuss how a person must be learning, leading, and multiplying themselves in their role before you consider advancement.
I would also suggest that three other factors be taken into consideration. Is the person ready, willing, and able?
Ready: is the individual ready to assume at least 80 percent of the responsibilities of the next role? Are you confident that he or she will be able to take on the remaining 20 percent of the role within the next 6 months?
Willing: is the individual willing to fulfill the role at this time? Is the person excited about this opportunity? Does it align with his or her passions?
Able: is this individual able to transition to the new role with little to no disruption? Has he or she developed someone to fulfill their current role so they may vacate? Will a continuity of leadership remain in your leadership pipeline?
If this person is a multiplier and you answered yes to each of these three questions, great. You can proceed with their advancement or transition. If you answered no, take the time to uncover what’s lacking or hindering this person from advancement. If they’re not ready or able, create a development plan for the next 6 months or year to grow in these areas. If they’re not willing, find a role that does align with their passions.
Now that you understand the importance of a person being ready, willing, and able to advance in your church’s leadership pipeline, what are you going to do about it?