A Lean Ministry is a Smart Ministry – Dan Reiland
Most churches are busy to the point of significant fatigue. Yet, all that activity doesn’t necessarily translate to vibrant and healthy growing churches. So, what is the best leadership move?
How to Gain 1,000 More Productive Hours in 2017 – Carey Nieuwhof
10 years of ministry led me to burnout. As soon as I began to recover, I realized that I had to develop a new rhythm and pattern. If I returned to my old ways I knew I would simply end up in the same place.
10 Key Trends in Global Christianity for 2017 – Aaron Earls
In 1900, there were twice as many Christians in Europe as the rest of the world combined. By 2017 both Africa and Latin America will have passed Europe in the number of Christians living there.
5 Keys for a Church Staff Member to Leave Well – Jeremy Roberts
In the days and months leading up to the transition, make sure you’re developing your volunteers even more intentionally so the blow won’t be as bad.