3 Points on Delegation You Cannot Ignore – Giant Worldwide
You don’t just turn something over to someone and abdicate your influence in the process. When you delegate, clarify roles up front.
Why You Should Read Multiple Books at the Same Time – Daniel Im
Reading and learning are the gasoline to my car. I’ve discovered that, the more I’m reading and learning, the further I can go in life and the better that I can come up with ideas and strategies to implement and execute them.
There’s No Such Thing as Business Leadership Principles – Brian Dodd
All truth, even leadership, comes from God’s Word, the Bible. Some people simply stumble upon quality leadership practices in the dark but all truth comes from the Bible. The Bible is greatest leadership book ever written.
The Danger of Desperate Leadership – Dan Reiland
Leading desperate means you eventually want more from your people than you want for them. The pressure causes you to lead differently.