4 Habits for Building a Healthy Organizational Culture – Shawn Lovejoy
Culture is the combination of what we believe and how we behave. It’s been said that we are creatures of habit. The same can be said for the organizations we lead. They are simply a product of our habits.
Teach Us to Pray: Your Kingdom Come – Daniel Darling
This kind of prayer involves acknowledging that we are not God. To pray “Your Kingdom Come” is an acknowledgement that there is another King than the kings of the world. It also acknowledges our dependence on God.
Why and How to Turn All Your Notifications Off – Barbara Fuller
Your notifications affect your brain and productivity in ways you would never think of. Barb explains more and how to turn them off and take control of your day.
4 Ways to Be an Intentional Listener – Mark Merrill
Active listening is making an effort to understand the person you’re talking to, not just hear the words they’re saying. Here are a few essentials to becoming an intentional listener.