Many leaders don’t know of Henrietta Mears, but they definitely know of some of the people she impacted. Henrietta was a teacher from Minneapolis, who in her 40’s became the director of Christian Education at Hollywood Presbyterian Church. It was there that she has a significant impact on Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, Dawson Trotman, founder of the Navigators, Billy Graham, Ronald Reagan who was a Hollywood movie star at that time and others, as she taught them the Scriptures. Her Sunday school program was developing as many as 6,500 young people each week.
Here is Part 4 of some powerful quotes from her leadership:
To pray in Jesus’ Name is to pray on the ground, not of my credit, but of His. God does not ask me how much I have. He only looks to see what His Son has.
Honor all men! Try it and behold, men will honor you.
If we would but love the brotherhood, every social problem would be solved.
Worship is the first step to wisdom.
The man who keeps busy helping the man below him won’t have time to envy the man above him.
To walk with God, you must walk in the direction in which God goes.
What young people think of Christ today determines our nation tomorrow.
If a person is going to be a witness for Christ, he must develop his own conception of Christ – studying the Bible for himself, and allowing the power of Christ’s life to flow through him directly.
The Sunday School has the potential for the most fruit, thus it is the most work.
It is easier to get visitors than to keep them.
Are you proving that the Christian life is a joyful, happy thing? Do you look glad that you are a Christian? Does your life radiate joy and enthusiasm? Make the Christian life contagious.
Your own Christian life must be genuine and real if you are to be a convincing teacher. The people you lead sense this every time.
Leadership begins with Christ.