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In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast Todd Adkins and Barnabas Piper talk with Simon Sinek, New York Times best-selling author of Start with Why and Leaders Eat Last as well as presenter of one of the most popular TED talks ever given. Sinek’s aim is to help people find as much fulfillment and enjoyment in their work as in their non-work. The conversation is engaging and full of fabulous leadership insights (and even gets into game theory and how it really matters for organizations and leadership). Enjoy!
“I think curiosity is everything. It’s the underlying motivation to learn. It’s a characteristic where you acknowledge you don’t know everything and perhaps there are better ways to do things. I’m always nervous about people who aren’t curious about anything in the world.”
“The world is such a fascinating place it seems odd to be uncurious about it.”
“Catch people doing things right instead of catching them doing something wrong.”
“Wouldn’t it be amazing to create an environment where we made work as fun as not-work?”
“Ambition is finite. Idealism is infinite.”
“The game of business is infinite. Most businesses are operating as if they’re in a finite game. They’re playing to ‘win.’”
“A finite player is trying to beat everyone else. An infinite player is trying to advance themselves.”
“I took a deep breath and let myself not be involved.”
“A lot of entrepreneur’s struggle with letting ago.”
“You don’t have to know all the answers and when you don’t you don’t have to pretend you do.”
“The lie we’ve been told is that leadership is knowing the answers.”
“Three quarters of an answer is better than an answer-and-a-half.”
“One of the criteria of being a leader is that when everything goes right you distribute the credit and when everything goes wrong you take all of the blame.”