Pastors Seldom Preach About Domestic Violence by Bob Smietana on Lifeway Research
“Pastors cannot ignore or downplay the issue, when lives are being ruined – and sometimes lost – through sexual and domestic violence right in their own communities and churches.”
Strategic Evangelism by Ed Stetzer
“Many believers would like to be bold about witnessing for Christ, but there is often a disconnect between aspiration and action. Many Christians are aspirational witnessers—always feeling good about wanting to share Christ. My experience is that many Christians can be helped along the way, and that getting them started helps them keep going.”
Does Your Church Think Mobile? by Jason Caston on Church Tech & Media
“When considering the best way to take a message around the globe or to reach people, we have to consider mobile users and how widespread mobile Internet accessibility is globally. As mobile use increases, we are seeing a great opportunity for ministries to reach people on their mobile devices.”